Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Well tomorrow Mason, Jasmine, & I are heading out to Wisconsin for a nice long weekend. Yes it was very very hard to choose just one triplet to go, but I did it fairly and flipped a coin. First I flipped between a boy and a girl, and a girl one, then I flipped between Jas & Allie and Jasmine was the big winner. She will be the first to fly on an airplane and will most likely be spoiled rotten all weekend by Grandma's & aunts & uncles!! I will have to give Tanner & Allie extra attention tonight. I am really bummed leaving 2 behind, but it just wasn't feasible this trip to bring everyone along since it's just a long weekend. However, in July we are ALL coming so no one will be left out.

We will be staying in Boyd on Thursday, Friday & Saturday and then heading to my parents Sunday and flying out on Monday. We will be hanging out at Ringlespiel Days in Boyd and probably having a beer or 10 with friends!! :-)

Mason finished his first session of swim lessons last night and overall he learned a lot!! I was impressed. The teacher did a great job with him and before long he will be swimming on his own with no floats!! His progress report showed he was proficient on about 1/2 of the skills. Good thing we are signed up for the next session so he can continue to learn.

I guess that's about it for now I'm sure I'll have lots to update when we return from our trip and I'll be sure to have some pictures!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

CVS Savings this week

Okay quick coupon post!!

This week at CVS I got the following items for a total of $28.22

5 of the 8 packs of Pepsi Products
Herbal Essence Shampoo
Herbal Essence Conditioner
2 of the 4 packs of D Batteries
2 of the 10 packs of AA Batteries
9 of the 10oz Dawn Dish Soaps

Total if I paid retail would have been $68.64 (total savings of $40.42)

Overall a good CVS trip this week!! I was mad though because I could have got a free razor the Gillette Blade 5, but they were out!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 6 List

Not too much to report today so going to do a list of the Top 6 things going on with the Gorkas.

#1) Mason was sick yesterday – woke up at 4:30 AM came crying into our room, and then proceeded to throw up all over the carpeting next to my bed. I think I need to keep a bucket in my nightstand!! Ughhh and YUCK. I have a serious problem with puke, if I smell it I almost throw up myself! Thank goodness Dave was home to clean it up! And on top of it all I just got my carpets cleaned. The joy of kids!!

#2) Mason is in swimming lessons now – he started at the beginning of May two times a week and LOVES it. He is becoming quite the fish and the teacher is great. She has the kids jumping in without floats now and makes them swim up to the top of the pool and find the wall with a little help of course. It’s just amazing how quickly they catch on. He also has a little girlfriend in class named Lily. They giggle and laugh together the entire class and also try to hold hands! Soooo cute!

#3) Still no more teeth!! Just one toothed Jasmine. I am still thinking Allie will be next – she has been CRABBY!!! Tanner on the other hand does not complain at all about teething – he is just a great natured baby all the way around. If only he would sleep all night though!!

#4) I saved a ton of money at CVS this week. Get this – I spent $16.48 and I got the following items. 2 packs of Huggies Diapers, 2 packs of the 3 in 1 Purex Laundry sheets, 2 Right Guard deodorants for Dave, a 24 pack of water, toothpaste, & mouthwash!! Normal price on this stuff would have been $53.95. Again LOVE my Southern Savers Website!! I buy what’s on sale and then add a manufacturer’s coupon to it and save TONS of money!!

#5) Dave has officially started his new career. He is now a pilot escort and does general hauling. What this means is he is the car that navigates the overside loads (the big ole semis with long poles on them, wide loads, etc) from point A to point B. When he doesn’t have loads, he hauls things for people. He uses a website and bids on things people need moved, for example a 4 wheeler, a boat, a golf cart, a few boxes, signs, etc. Basically anything. It’s actually pretty impressive how he uses the site and sets up his own runs. Last week he went up to the northeast, hauled a trailer up there, loaded an ATV on his truck, one inside the trailer, and a golf cart. Dropped that stuff off then picked up a boat and a sign and headed back home. His company name is Big D’s Services. Only downfall of his new endeavor is he is sometimes gone during the week for a few nights, but I’m tough, I can handle it!! We are looking into getting our alarm system monitored though just in case since I am by myself at night with the kids.

#6) Getting ready for our trip to Boyd for Memorial Day weekend!! We leave Thursday the 27th and back the following Monday the 31st. We are just bringing one baby this time though and we drew straws to be fair!!! Jasmine gets to go!

And that’s about it for now!! Hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

1st TOOTH!!!

Short Blog today but wanted to update everyone that one of our precious babies now has their first tooth!! And the winner is……….Miss Jasmine Paige!! Yep Melissa noticed it was close to poking through last night and this AM we feel it !!! Now – we will see how the other 2 follow! My guess is Allie is next followed by Tanman. Below is a cute picture of Jasmine :-)

Last night we went to the mall to attempt to find Mommy a swimsuit. We are heading to the beach on Saturday with all the kids - we are so excited. I will be sure to take lots of pictures!! It will be a lot of fun. This is what Allie did in the mall - see below! Love the cute foot up on top of her sisters seat :-)

This past weekend was very fun. Mason & I went to Wisconsin for my friends Erik’s wedding. It was in Wisconsin Dells. We had a great time. The trip was short, but still fun. We flew out Friday night and were back by Sunday evening. The wedding was in Wisconsin Dells. Mason was awesome – he was such a good little boy. And soooooo handsome!! We also found out that he is quite the dancer. As soon as Dave brings my laptop home I will upload and post the video I took on my camera of our little dancer – he has some moves!!
For now – here is a preview picture of Mason in his handsome little wedding outfit!

And one final thing!! I am happy to report that Tanner actually slept until 4:30 this AM before wanting a bottle! Let’s hope he is starting to take after his sisters and sleep every day until at least 6:30 AM! The girls are doing awesome at night – I am so proud of them!
A bit of a messed up unorganized blog today but oh well :-)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Our first swim!!

Today we went to our old apartment and visited our old neighbor's Papa & GG - otherwise known and Ann & Bill :-) We had fun!! The babies were all ready to swim but the pool was a little too chilly for them. But not for Mason!! He dove right in. But either way we got some cute pics with the girls in their bikinis and Papa & GG with the babies. The best part of the day was Tanner falling asleep on Papa - sooooo cute!! Here are some pictures below.

Crashed out

All the Babes with Papa & GG

Allison loves the pool

Grandma Gorka & Jasmine

I like Papa!!

Sunning with my Sissy
Yes we are a bit chuncky in our bikinis!

I really like Papa :-)