Hello all - I am officially a blog slacker. I just don't seem to get the time anymore to get on the computer and actually type a blog, but going to give it a shot today. The babies are at Miss Melissa's house along with Mason and Grandma is out shopping. I am enjoying a few hours of total peace and quiet to myself on my last Wednesday off before I am back to work 5 days a week!! Okay for a baby update. The babies are doing GREAT!! They are getting so big and seem to be changing everyday. They are now all smiling and they have started cooing a few days ago which is so neat!! It's the greatest feeling in the world to come home after work to 3 smily babies who seem so pleased to see Mommy!! Also - they have been starting to sleep longer at night. They eat around 10PM and then get up anywhere between 3AM and 4:30AM to eat again. 4:30 only happened once, but that was 2 days ago so we are hopeful they will sleep that long again ;-) Last night though at 3AM all 3 woke up at the exact same time which made it quite interesting. 3 screaming hungry babies is not very fun and proves to be challenging to warm bottles and try and keep them semi-quiet so the rest of the house doesn't wake up! I think I fed, changed, and pumped though in world record time last night. They woke up at 3 and everyone including myself was back in bed by 3:45!! Triplets really teach a person how to multi-task. The babies are a lot of work, but I have to say it is totally worth it to see them grow and change each and every day. The most challenging thing for me is dividing up my time between all my kids and finding time to get other stuff done around the house. Thank goodness for Grandma - she has been awesome and keeps the house nice & tidy so Dave & I can spend as much time as possible wih the kids when we get home from work. As for Mason - he is doing pretty well. He has times where he is a bit moody and definitely can have an attitude, but for the most part he had adjusted well having 2 sisters and a brother. He really loves the babies and before he goes to bed and throughout the day he gives them lots of kisses and hugs. He also covers them with blankets and if they are crying tries to give them their paci's. It's pretty cute! We try to take Mason somewhere fun each weekend though so he still feels special and important. Today we have new bunk beds arriving for Mason so we are hoping that keeps him in his bed all night. Since the babies have been born most nights he ends up in our bed somewhere around 4AM. It isn't the worst thing in the world, but we don't want it to be a habit forever. The Dr. says he probably does it though because we are his "security blanket" with all the babies and that's his time to get some attention and snuggle time. And in all honesty, most nights we are too tired to care or argue and try to get him back in his bed. But - good thing we got our king size bed this summer so there is plenty of room for him :-) Well that's about it for now. We are busy preparing for Christmas and Mason's 3rd birthday. He is very excited about both!! Speaking of Christmas I have to run now and address the rest of my cards so I have some hope of mailing them and having them arrive before Christmas :-) Posted below are a few pictures.
I remember
4 weeks ago