Well last week Wednesday we went to the hospital at 8PM to get Miss Allison and finally bring her home. We were very excited to finally bring all 3 home. We arrived, got all her stuff together, changed her clothes, fed her, and went to hook her up to her apnea monitor and head out. Well we ran into a bit of a snag and the apnea monitor didn’t work. So we had to call the monitor company and they had to bring a new cable from Tampa and it was going to take a few hours. So we had to leave the hospital with no Allison. But – I went up the next morning and brought her home by 11AM.
It has been one week since all 3 have been home and it’s been a little crazy, but we are definitely getting by and doing well. All 3 babies are doing great and are good eaters. We are lucky and have them on a 4 hour schedule. They eat at 10, 2, & 6. Which makes it much easier than feeding every 3 hours which would be 8 feedings a day instead of 6. Definitely a time saver on a 4 hour schedule, they just eat a little bit more at each feeding. Up until 2 nights ago, the babies were sleeping in our room in the pack n play, but we have transitioned to the crib and they are now sleeping in their own room. They all sleep in one crib for now, it’s just easier and they like to be close to each other.
Other than that, not much else going on. It has been a lifesaver having Grandma Gorka here or I think we may be going insane J Twins would be easy enough to handle, but throwing a 3rd baby in the mix definitely adds a bit of chaos.
We are looking forward to Halloween right now, Mason is so excited. Grandma Miller sent him a very cute Monkey costume, but it may be a little warm to wear it since it’s still in the high 80s here – we are waiting for a cool down!
On Monday I do have to go to get an abdominal ultrasound on Allison. She has numerous hemangiomas “strawberry marks” on her body. They will go away by 12-18 months of age, but they want to be sure she doesn’t have any inside or on her liver so they are doing the ultrasound to just make sure. We are staying positive and hoping everything looks fine.
I will try to post again soon, but for now here are some pictures of the trio.
It has been one week since all 3 have been home and it’s been a little crazy, but we are definitely getting by and doing well. All 3 babies are doing great and are good eaters. We are lucky and have them on a 4 hour schedule. They eat at 10, 2, & 6. Which makes it much easier than feeding every 3 hours which would be 8 feedings a day instead of 6. Definitely a time saver on a 4 hour schedule, they just eat a little bit more at each feeding. Up until 2 nights ago, the babies were sleeping in our room in the pack n play, but we have transitioned to the crib and they are now sleeping in their own room. They all sleep in one crib for now, it’s just easier and they like to be close to each other.
Other than that, not much else going on. It has been a lifesaver having Grandma Gorka here or I think we may be going insane J Twins would be easy enough to handle, but throwing a 3rd baby in the mix definitely adds a bit of chaos.
We are looking forward to Halloween right now, Mason is so excited. Grandma Miller sent him a very cute Monkey costume, but it may be a little warm to wear it since it’s still in the high 80s here – we are waiting for a cool down!
On Monday I do have to go to get an abdominal ultrasound on Allison. She has numerous hemangiomas “strawberry marks” on her body. They will go away by 12-18 months of age, but they want to be sure she doesn’t have any inside or on her liver so they are doing the ultrasound to just make sure. We are staying positive and hoping everything looks fine.
I will try to post again soon, but for now here are some pictures of the trio.