Thursday, July 16, 2009

24 week Dr. Appt Update

Hello all -

Just a quick post today, but we saw Dr. Barrett for a 24 week check up. I was 24 weeks on Tuesday which is a good milestone that increases the survival rate of the triplets greatly if they would be born today. Still not a great survival rate and very very risky, but we are making our way closer to our goal of 32 or 33 weeks - would be September 8th or later and we are very happy about that. Dr. Barrett said he was very impressed with how well I am doing and the babies look great. All 3 babies have a good amount of fluid around them and they are very active. The heartbeats looks great and he estimates all of them to be a little less than a pound and a half. Our next appt is for another full blown big ultrasound on July 28th so we are looking forward to that. Unfortunately, I have a cold right now so am feeling under the weather, and we hope I get over it quickly without meds!

We also recently got back from our cruise on Sunday to the Bahama's - we had a WONDERFUL time. It was really great to spend some one on one time with Dave before the babies are born - we definitely needed that. We went with our friends Melissa & Joe and had a great time with them as well. We had adjoining state rooms which was really nice :-) I took it very easy though and enjoyed the relaxation time I was able to get. I also slept great on the boat, I think I liked the slight rocking; it put me right to sleep!
Also - my parents were here the past week and a half and left on Sunday. We had a very nice visit with them, but unfortunately for them, there was a lot of work that needed to be done. They were SUCH great helpers though and we got a lot of stuff done that we really needed to do since we recently moved into our new home. We built garage shelves, put up ceiling fans, hung lots of pictures, and completely set up the nursery which turned out great. I will post some pictures of that soon.

Oh and one more thing - we have all the baby names picked out.

Baby A - Allison Marie Gorka (Ally for short)
Baby B - Jasmine Paige Gorka
Baby C - Tanner Preston Gorka

I tell you - picking out 3 names that we both agreed upon was quite tough!! But glad we finally agreed and that the naming part is beyond us.

All right - well my short post turned a bit long but oh well. Here are some pictures from our cruise and yes one shows a nice big side view of the baby belly.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Lots of Updates

So sorry I haven't updated my blog in almost a month!!! So this post may be a little long.

First things first - we had our last doctors appointment on July 21st and had our big ultrasound then. Everything went great and the babies were doing wonderful. and we now know we are having 2 girls and 1 boy. We are very excited about that because our family will be nice & even now and everyone will have a playmate :-) Baby A (a girl) was 12 oz and is an active little one. She was moving all over the place and was giving us a bit of a hard time trying to get measurements. Baby B (a girl) was 13oz and Baby C (our boy) was also 13 oz. They measured perfect for 20 weeks, but now that I am almost 23 weeks they are probably quite a bit bigger hopefully well over a pound. Our next appointment is on July 15th so I'm sure I'll have more updates then. So far I am doing pretty well, getting bigger each day of course and a bit uncomfortable as the days pass, but I'm hanging in there. Since Baby A is pushing right up against my bladder I have been in the bagthroom on average every 2 hours which sucks!! Especially when you are sleeping good at night and you have to drag yourself out of bed. I guess it will prepare me for all the nightly wakeups with triplets!! :-)
Secondly - we had a WONDERFUL trip to Wisconsin. It was so great to see everyone and my parents threw us such a nice party and we got lots of great stuff for the triplets which will definitely be put to use. During the week we did some shopping, went to Green Bay to visit great grandma, had lots of ice cream, took Mason to the Bay Beach and he had a TON of fun, went out to dinner with friends, and Mason had a play date with Abby. Abby is my mom's friends granddaughter and they had lots of fun playing together.

Finally - my parents drove to FL to stay for a few weeks and they arrived on Thursday night. It is great having them here because we have SOOOO many projects to do before the babies arrive or I go on bedrest. This weekend we got quite a bit done already. We put the white trim up in the babies room between the two colors (the bottom is lime green and the top is a sky blue), the babies cribs are up, the curtain in the room is up, a 2nd dresser for the closet is built, and we have all the clothes pretty well organized. We are very thankful for all the clothes that people have given us - we honestly have just a TON of clothes which is great. We will have little to buy in that department until the kids get past the 18-24 month size. We also cleaned out the garage some and put a bunch of totes in the attic and we'll be building shelves soon. Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be able to park both our cars in our 3 car garage - right now, not so much :-)

Well that's about it for now. We are looking forward to going on our cruise this week - we leave on Thursday for 3 days. It will definitely be our last vacation for quite some time. We will be relaxing and eating a LOT of food, that is the plan. Unfortanately, we can't do too many adventurous things, but the relaxation will be well needed.

Attached are a few pictures from our trip to Wisconsin. I'll post some pictures of the babies room when it's completed.
Ta ta for now!!
