I am sure most of you already knew this, but on March 1st Dave & I found out that we were going to be adding another little one to our family. We were very excited for Mason to become a big brother and he was too!! He loves to say "Big Brother" So - we went on with our days, luckily without any morning sickness, and this week Wednesday we had our first scheduled ultrasound to be sure the baby looked healthy, hear the heart beat, check to see if the baby was growing well, and determine the exact due date.
So - on Thursday morning we dropped Mason off at Melissa's (our home day care lady) and went on our way. We waited for about 45 minutes before we were finally called back to the ultrasound room. After getting all set up we started the ultrasound. Well after a few minutes the ultrasound tech started saying comments like "wow" and "oh my" Our ears immediately perked up and asked "What?" Well she then responded with our SHOCKING news. Not only were we expecting baby #1, but baby #2 & baby #3!!!! Yes - the Gorka family is expecting a set of TRIPLETS!!! I have to say I almost passed out right there when she told me, but after a few minutes I wanted to be sure they all looked healthy. And sure enough they all look fine. The ultrasound tech was very suprised and we were too!!
Obviously this will take us a few days, weeks, months, to get a grasp on, but we do feel blessed that we will are expecting 3 little miracles.
Everyone that we have told so far are just about as shocked as we were, but we are blessed to have such great family and everyone has been so supportive. We truly appreciate it.
Currently, our due date if we were only having one baby is November 4th. However, since we are having triplets the due date basically gets thrown out the window. The ultrasound tech said they would be happy if we made it until October 1st, but most likely the babies will be born sometime in September. They have transferred my care to a specialist in Lakeland, the only one of his kind in the city that deals with high risk and multiple pregnancies. We have heard only great things about him so we are excited to meet him on April 9th for our first appointment and are awaiting more details.
I have also attached 2 pictures of the first ultrasound pictures. And sure enough you can certainly see 3 little babies.
I will continue to update this blogsite for anyone who is interested in following our pregnancy so feel free to share this blog anyone who might not have the address.
I am also planning on posting a list on here of all the items we will be needing for the babies and will keep it updated, because from what we have heard from people so far, many people are looking to help us out. 3 babies will be a LOT to prepare for.
Well that's about it for now :) I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are taking Mason to Monkey Joe's today to meet Ava (his cousin) for a play date and eating lunch at Fuddruckers!! He is excited to see Ava.